Episode 26 ” Next Gen Bunduru!!”



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BOOM! The next generation has finally arrived and now the console wars truly begin. On this months episode the lads chat about steamboxes, South Park, Black Friday,John Carmacks resignation, the possibility of a tomb raider sequel and much much more.

Shadow of the Colossus and DMC : Devil May Cry pop up in the ‘what we’ve been playing section.’

The best is left for last this month however as the great PS4 / XBONE debate comes to a head, with exclusive interviews from our resident reporter Spud as he hits the mean streets of Galway to have a chat with the people who attended the midnight launches of both consoles. As Spud also attended the PS4 rooms / XBOX one tour events he is able to give us the lowdown of what he thought the pros and cons were for Sony and Microsofts new consoles.

It’s a hefty one this month, weighing in at almost 3 hours long. We hope you enjoy the madness!